Robotic Bariatric Surgery

Non-Surgical Weight Loss Procedure

Orbera Intragastric Balloon

The Orbera Managed Weight Loss System is a two-part weight loss program and one of the most recently FDA-approved weight loss devices on the market. Commonly known as the gastric balloon, Orbera does not require surgery or any modification to the gastrointestinal tract. With over 300,000 balloons placed around the world, Orbera is a proven weight loss solution for patients who cannot undergo or do not wish to have surgery.

How the Gastric Balloon Works

Dr. Bilton employs the latest in endoscopic technology to place and eventually remove the balloon from the stomach. First, a specially made tube, known as an endoscope, is passed down the esophagus and into the stomach. Attached to the end of this device is the deflated gastric balloon. Once placed in the appropriate area of the stomach, the balloon is filled with sterile saline using a specially made syringe. The size of the balloon largely depends on the patient and is sized appropriately. The endoscope is then removed from the esophagus and the balloon is left in place for six months.

Over the course of the six months, the balloon allows patients to feel full faster after having eaten less food.

At the end of six months, Dr. Bilton will use the same endoscopic technique to puncture the balloon and remove the deflated device from the stomach. Because of the harsh, acidic environment in the stomach, the balloon cannot remain inside for more than six months. In some cases, a new balloon may be implanted in a separate procedure.

While the balloon remains in the stomach for 6 months, patients will follow a specifically prescribed lifestyle and diet modification program for the entire first year after placement. This plan will be supervised and managed by Dr. Bilton and his staff and it helps to reinforce the important changes needed to maintain a healthy weight over the long term

Expectations and Results

Clinical data from device research shows that patients lose up to three times more weight then with diet and exercise alone. Studies have also shown Orbera may offer greater weight loss then other balloons on the market. However, results will vary based on the patient’s ability and willingness to improve their diet and lifestyle. It is important to remember that just like bariatric surgery or any other weight loss program, continued determination and effort is key to success.

Progression Over the First 12 Months

While the procedure does not require surgery, you may experience some discomfort as your body adjusts to the balloon in the stomach. This may include nausea and other gastrointestinal upset that can be managed through medication and almost invariably diminishes quickly after the procedure. During these first few months, you will experience the greatest amount of weight loss and you’ll begin to implement the new, healthier diet and exercise program administered by our office.

In the months leading up to the removal of the balloon, we will be working closely with you to ensure that the changes necessary to achieve long-term weight loss stick. At six months, the balloon is removed.

For the final six months of the program, you will not have the restriction offered by the balloon and maintaining a healthy lifestyle critically important. By the end of the program, we expect that our patients will have modified their lifestyle to such an extent that it is the norm and no longer feels like a diet. With proper dedication and support, most patients can maintain significant weight loss.

Risks and Considerations

There’re risks of the gastric balloon are relatively low and many can be managed and mitigated by employing a skilled weight loss surgery such as Dr. Bilton. Some of the most common risks and considerations include:

  • Leaks and deflation of the balloon within the stomach is a rare event and the deflated balloon can be removed with relative ease
  • You will need to take acid reducing medication while the balloon is in your stomach
  • Because the gastric balloon is temporary, patients who do not follow their prescribed lifestyle changes may regain weight
  • There is a small risk of perforation in the stomach– patients with a high risk of perforation are not good candidates for a gastric balloon

Cost and Insurance Considerations

While the gastric balloon has shown a great degree of success in helping patients lose excess body weight loss, it is not yet covered by insurance. Patients will need to pay out-of-pocket for the procedure, however various financing options may be available depending on a number of factors. We encourage any of our patients who are interested in financing a procedure to speak to our billing department.

The Bottom Line

Only a consultation with Dr. Bilton can determine the best course of action for your weight loss needs. Feel free to call our office and schedule a consultation to learn more about your weight loss options and which procedure may be best for you.


Gastric balloon procedures are generally considered safe when performed by experienced medical professionals in appropriate clinical settings. However, like any medical intervention, there are potential risks and side effects associated with gastric balloons. Common side effects may include nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, and acid reflux during the initial adjustment period. In rare cases, there can be more severe complications such as balloon deflation, balloon migration, or gastrointestinal issues. It’s crucial to discuss the benefits and risks of a gastric balloon with a healthcare provider to determine if it’s a suitable weight loss option for your specific needs and health profile.

The cost of a gastric balloon procedure can vary depending on various factors, including the geographical location, the specific type of balloon used, the medical facility or clinic, and any additional services or follow-up care provided. In the United States, the cost of a gastric balloon procedure typically ranges from $6,000 to $12,000 or more. It’s essential to consult with a healthcare provider or a bariatric clinic to get an accurate estimate of the cost for your particular situation and inquire about any potential insurance coverage or financing options.

The amount of weight loss achieved with a gastric balloon can vary from person to person and depends on several factors, including individual starting weight, adherence to a prescribed diet and exercise plan, and overall lifestyle changes. On average, patients may expect to lose approximately 10% to 15% of their total body weight within the six months that the gastric balloon is in place. It’s important to note that the gastric balloon is a temporary weight loss aid, and its effectiveness depends on the patient’s commitment to making long-term dietary and lifestyle changes.

About Dr. Bilton

Dr. Bradley D. Bilton received his graduate degree and medical doctorate in Louisiana. He then completed his residency program in General Surgery. During that time, he participated in research and is a published author and co-author. Following this he completed a fellowship in minimally invasive surgery (laparoscopic and endoscopic techniques).

After completing his fellowship in 2001 he moved to Tuscaloosa and joined University Surgical Associates. Upon his arrival he ushered in advanced minimally invasive surgery and these techniques continue to be the focus of his practice.

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