Click on a question below to see the answer. If you have questions that we do not cover below, please send us an email by clicking here, or attend one of our free weight loss seminars (click here for more information about our upcoming weight loss seminars).
Most all BCBS of Alabama policies require them, some do not. You’ll need to call the number on the back of your card and ask a customer service representative or we can tell you when you call for the first consultation.
Each state is different. Check with the insurance company by phone, online or wait until the consult.
You need to call your Insurance Company or check online before starting the process. Check to see if you have an “exclusion” for Bariatric surgery.
There are complications and risks for any procedure and weight loss surgery is no exception. These risks although rare need to be considered when making a choice in regards to weight loss procedures and different procedures have different risks. The risks of the procedures will be fully explained during seminars and pre-operative counseling with your surgeon.
The mortality rate, or risk of death, various depending on the procedure a patient chooses. For example, gastric bypass carries a mortality rate less than 1/2 of a percent (0.5%) and some newer studies place that risk as low as 1/4 of a percent (0.25%). The mortality rate for banding type procedures is even far less that 0.025%. Our practice is well within the lowest mortality risk percentage but patients should understand this risk is rare but real. Any surgeon or group of surgeons who perform this type of procedure will have to face this issue with their patients and their patients’ families. One should weigh the risks and benefits of any procedure one chooses and discuss these risks with your surgeon.
Lap-Band – Overnight, subject to change
Gastric Sleeve – 2 days, subject to change
Gastric Bypass – 3 days, subject to change
There is no lifting greater than 5# for the first 6 weeks, so your return to work will be according to these guidelines. Many patients that have less physical jobs return in 2-3 weeks or sooner.
Feel free to call the office and ask to speak to Annette. She will give you “out of pocket” expenses. Patients interested in paying for their surgery will be given an all inclusive fee that covers the surgeon, the anesthesiology team as well as the hospital stay. Patients should understand however if they choose to pay for their surgery then any complications of surgery will NOT be covered by their insurance in most cases. Because of this issue we are involved with BLIS (a provider of insurance for this specific purpose). Feel free to ask about these insurance plans. You can learn more about BLIS on their website.
This is done on an individual basis. Some medications will need to be broken or crushed but that will be determined closer to time for surgery. There are certain medications which we recommend not taking after gastric bypass. A list will be provided that you can also share with your primary physician. For patients choosing banding procedures are sleeve procedures usually no medication changes are needed except for having to crush or decrease the size of some medications as the band is tightened.
This will be set up by our office and completed on the day of your class prior to surgery. Beverly, your nurse will give you details when closer to surgery.
Yes, and we encourage it. The support group schedule is listed on the website. You will be required to attend two meetings prior to surgery.
Depending on your insurance requirements, medical history, and surgeon requirements, the process will vary. We would need to know your policy requirements before giving an estimate. Some patients can have surgery within a few weeks; others may take up to a year.
Yes, if you have medical problems requiring treatment (such as high blood pressure, diabetes, etc). If you don’t have one ask your friends who they use, or we may be able to help you.
You’ll be on full liquids for the 1st 2 weeks following surgery and advance from this point. The dietitian will give you all the information you’ll need to help you for the 1st 6 weeks and thereafter at your pre-op class. We’ll provide you with menus, shopping lists, and booklets to help you with your diet.
Yes, other WLS patient’s are more than happy to share their experiences with upcoming patients. They are always available at the support group.
There will be approximately 6-8 visits during the first year for the gastric bypass and then annually if all goes well. Patients who choose a banding procedures will need to come in more frequently (about every 6 weeks) until the band is working well for them (“the Green Zone”). Afterwards, the patient can make appointments based on their individual needs. For patients that choose the sleeve, appointments will be similar to that of the gastric bypass. Follow-up is extremely important and a key to your success. We will be gathering labs, bands will be getting fill-ins if needed, and this is an opportunity to make sure that if a problem arises we find it early.
We encourage walking immediately, but we want you to wait until you’re released at 6 weeks to start strenuous exercise such as weight lifting or other resistance training as well as more intense workouts such as aerobics or other routines. At 6 weeks, you’re free to do normal activities.
You can resume normal activities at 6 weeks. If the port comes loose, and occasionally it does, it will have to be repaired, but you can do everything after your band that you did prior to your surgery.
Some insurance policies require 6 months of Primary Care supervised visits prior to submitting for approval. This will be explained in detail at your first meeting.
The patient makes the decision as to which surgery he/she prefers, although, in the event of certain medical conditions, your surgeon may discuss a better option for you. This will be discussed in a separate appointment.
The lap band and Gastric Bypass guidelines are the same, with the exception of insurance policy guidelines. Please call the office and we will assist you with this.
Typically, the band can take from 60 minutes to 2 hours. The sleeve and bypass ranges from 2 to 4 hours.
Typically, the band can take from 60 minutes to 2 hours. The sleeve and bypass ranges from 2 to 4 hours.
Yes, and we will let you know at your pre-op class and at the support group which vitamins are important for you.
This depends on your insurance guidelines, medical history, current medical issues, and the surgeon’s requirements. This will be determined after you attend the first meeting.
This depends on the type of work you do. If you are not performing strenuous labor or heavy lifting then you may return to work as soon as you feel you are ready. Some patients return to work within days. Otherwise in the case of more strenuous jobs, one may have to wait the full 6 weeks.
Dr. Bradley D. Bilton received his graduate degree and medical doctorate in Louisiana. He then completed his residency program in General Surgery. During that time, he participated in research and is a published author and co-author. Following this he completed a fellowship in minimally invasive surgery (laparoscopic and endoscopic techniques).
After completing his fellowship in 2001 he moved to Tuscaloosa and joined University Surgical Associates. Upon his arrival he ushered in advanced minimally invasive surgery and these techniques continue to be the focus of his practice.
Read these real testimonials from our clients.
MaryOur Patient
Hey my name is Mary Box. I had Gastric Bypass surgery on December 10, 2014. When I had my surgery I weighed 246 lbs. I struggled with high blood pressure and depression. I was a borderline diabetic and my cholesterol was starting to rise. My decision to have the surgery was because there are several heart problems on both sides of my family and I was so unhappy with myself. Since my surgery 14 months ago I have lost 106 lbs. I currently weigh 139 lbs. I went from a...
SandraOur Patient
My name is Sandra. I had lap band weight loss surgery in October 2013. My starting weight was 246 lbs and I have lost 75 lbs. I went from size 20-22 and am presently wearing size 10-12. I had borderline diabetes and hypertension but since the weight loss my blood pressure and my blood work are normal. I am on no medications and have no health problems secondary to obesity. I am very healthy and active. I had tried numerous diets and failed. Lap band was the right choice for...
AngelaOur Patient
Hi my name is Angela, I weighed 275 before my gastric sleeve surgery. It was the best decision I could have ever made for myself. High blood pressure, fluid around my ankles preventing me from being able to walk. High cholesterol, and just fatigued. I’m 9 months post op weighing 205lbs I have my life back! Dr. Bilton is the best!