Robotic Bariatric Surgery

Gastric Sleeve

Gastric Sleeve (Sleeve Gastrectomy)

gastric sleeve surgeryThe gastric sleeve, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, is a procedure that was originally the first part of a two-part weight loss surgery for those with extreme BMIs (greater than 60). Over time, it became clear that the gastric sleeve surgery was effective as a standalone procedure for some patients, and today most surgeons perform it as such.

How Does Gastric Sleeve Work?

The gastric sleeve has become a popular weight loss surgery procedure because of its simplicity. During this procedure, surgeons cut away about 75% of the existing stomach. The remaining stomach is about the size and shape of a banana or sleeve and hence the name.

Advantages of the Sleeve

The gastric sleeve removes the part of the stomach that produces ghrelin – the hunger hormone – reducing food cravings. The intestine is not rerouted, so gastric sleeve patients can eat a broader spectrum of foods. Patients may not need to stay on vitamin supplements in perpetuity but a multi-vitamin is recommended.

Risks and Considerations

The gastric sleeve carries all the risks of major surgery. The staple line may leak and require additional surgery to correct the issue. There is very little long-term data substantiating the safety and effectiveness of the procedure. Ask your surgeon about the complications.


Sleeve gastrectomy, a surgical weight loss procedure, is generally considered irreversible. It involves the removal of a portion of the stomach to reduce its size and limit food intake. While some surgical revisions may be possible in specific cases, they come with risks and complications. Patients considering a sleeve gastrectomy should discuss the permanence of the procedure with their healthcare team and carefully consider their long-term commitment to lifestyle changes.

The amount of weight loss following a gastric sleeve surgery varies from person to person and depends on factors such as initial weight, adherence to post-operative guidelines, and individual metabolism. On average, patients can expect to lose about 60-70% of their excess body weight within the first year after the surgery. Weight loss typically continues over the next 12-18 months. It's essential to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regimen to achieve and sustain these results.

Sleeve gastrectomy is generally considered a safe and effective weight loss surgery when performed by experienced and qualified medical professionals. Like any surgical procedure, it carries some risks, including infection, bleeding, and potential complications related to anesthesia. However, the safety of the procedure can be significantly improved when patients follow pre-operative and post-operative guidelines provided by their healthcare team. The benefits of significant weight loss and improved health often outweigh the potential risks for many individuals seeking sleeve gastrectomy as a weight loss solution.

About Dr. Bilton

Dr. Bradley D. Bilton received his graduate degree and medical doctorate in Louisiana. He then completed his residency program in General Surgery. During that time, he participated in research and is a published author and co-author. Following this he completed a fellowship in minimally invasive surgery (laparoscopic and endoscopic techniques).

After completing his fellowship in 2001 he moved to Tuscaloosa and joined University Surgical Associates. Upon his arrival he ushered in advanced minimally invasive surgery and these techniques continue to be the focus of his practice.

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